So let me just re-cap how this all happened... (And let me just warn you, it may be a little graphic!)
~Slipped on wet tile floor in Havasu on Saturday (our first day there) while getting Kim a Hop, Skip, & Go Naked cocktail (or like Morgan says... a Hop, Skip, & Fall Down)
~Went to urgent care for x rays & they informed me that it was broken.
~Went to the orthopedic doctor in Havasu Monday morning. After looking at the x rays he recommended I have it reset because it wasn't perfectly lined up after the break and if I left it that way I could look at having problems with it down the road. I was SO not prepared for something like that especially on vacation so he informed me that I had 2 weeks to do it, so if I decided to do it once we got back to Colorado I was still able to. He put me in a hard cast and off we went to enjoy the rest of our week in Havasu!
~I then called my dear client Carolyn whose son is the head orthopedic doctor for the Rockies. She gave me his number and I called to get in with the hand and wrist specialist in his office for as soon as we got home.
~I was able to get in Monday to see Dr. Kummer. They took off the hard cast and took new x rays. I didn't mention anything to her that the doctor in Havasu said. I wanted to see what she had to say and get her opinion. Well, she said the same thing he did. So as much as I was not wanting surgery it made me feel better that they both recommended me do the same thing. She informed me that it was something I didn't have to do but with what I do for a living and as much as I use my hands she HIGHLY recommended me to have it reset. So she explained the whole process. It would be an out patient surgery that I would be put under for. Its called a closed reduction because no incision is made. Then there would be 2-4 pins put in to keep it in place during the healing time. And, OH MY GOSH, I got the ebby gebbys thinking she had to re-break and then the thought of having pins in my bone coming out of my skin... And then she informed me that 2 weeks after surgery I was going to have to clean the pins twice a day. Oh it was a bit overwhelming! But I knew it had to be done. So I scheduled surgery for thursday.
~So Thursday morning came and Morgan brought me to the surgery center. I must say, I was a little nervous! Morgan was so great though! He stayed by my side till they put me under and brought in to the operating room. And then as soon as I woke up and was in recovery he was back and ready to take care of me. I was in pain but thank goodness for the pain pills. So for 2 weeks I was in a soft cast and I just took it easy and really didn't do much. And let me just say, it was quit depressing!
~2 weeks after surgery was my post op appointment where they took the soft cast off, re x rayed it, showed me how to clean the pins, put me in a hard splint, & saw the therapist who gave me some exercises to start doing with my fingers. I was a little nervous to see the pins for the first time cause I wasn't sure what to expect. It was definitely pretty crazy to see metal coming out of my skin.
~So I'm 3 weeks since surgery now and I am counting down the days to get these pins out. And then therapy begins!
~I will update this as things progress. I am a little nervous about getting the pins pulled out but several people have assured me that it's not that bad! We'll see!
Has your wrist totally healed or have you still got pain?Hope you feel better.